In Aleister Crowley's Moonchild, a child, Camille, is conceived under the full moon. Born far superior to ordinary humans, she is destined to prevail against the societal forces that trap our potential under shame and fear. She reminds us of our innate power, allowing us to rise above ordinary circumstance and transform, like her, into extraordinary beings. Alexandra Mavrofridi captures Camille in her pursuit of freedom.
Photography, Art Direction & Fashion: Alexandra Mavrofridi / @alexandra.mavrofridi
Make-up Artist: Anaïs Kreib and Solene Lebreton / @anaiss.faces
Hair Stylist: Marlene Bouron / @marlenebouron
Hair Artist: Wigs by Chiaki Morimoto / @chiaki090709
Photographer Assistants: Lucas Grousset and Aurelien Desmettre / @darkroselucas @aurielendsm
Model: Camille Odiot / @holly_and_callyne