Tag Archive for: landscape

Chiharu Shiota / Existence in the absence

Art&Culture | Interview
Woven fairy tales: Japanese born, Berlin based artist Chiharu Shiota in conversation with Maria Abramenko.


Fashion | Exclusive
A spotlight on the latest collection of London based womenswear designer Pengyan Lou inspired by Viennese Actionism and the timeless work of one of its co-founders, the performance artist Gunter Brus.

How do you feel?

Fashion | Exclusive
A supreme connection of lucid dreams and online emotions: a story featuring Ludovica wearing futuristic pieces made in Berlin by Aphro Thene. Shot by Marco Giuliano and styled by Anca Macavei at Unseen Bar, one of the most unique places in Milan.

When the lights go out

Fashion | Exclusive
One day she discovered she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire. A fashion story by Jeong Sang Ryul, styled by Maria Kim.

Candida Stevens Gallery / Place – Displace

Art&Culture | Spotlight
A spotlight on Place - Displace, the new exhibition at the Candida Stevens Gallery, London.