Tag Archive for: people

Fashion | Exclusive
I can see it in your eyes, I can see it all over you. A fashion story by Tom Kleinschmidt featuring all clothing sewed by hand by Oezge Yueksel.

Fashion | Exclusive
Concealed under thin layers, I'm leafing through myriads of surface until the far end shows up. What are you hiding? Kamila lensed by Eugenio Intini.

Young Lovers
Fashion | Exclusive
Two young lovers from London in a series of portraits by Amber Grace Dixon, styled by Safiya Yekwai using pieces from Comme des Carçons and Beyond Retro.

The longest hour
Fashion | Exclusive
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Ingrid in a fashion story shot and styled by Anne Pique.

Photography | Spotlight
Can you be one and the same person at the same time? Portraits of an unquiet sea by Joseph Quevedo.

Fashion | Exclusive
That sacred day the white bells of the underworld will ring a miserable anthem of
freedom while I'll be sleeping like a baby on your breathless chest. An exclusive fashion story by Marco Giuliano and Jessica De Maio, styled by Anca Macavei.

Into the Mist
Photography | Spotlight
I became as though blind and numb, and I lay my back on something hard. I could see nothing, neither I could make any sound. A photo series by Katrin Bragadóttir.

Plastic spider thing
Fashion | Exclusive
Everything that we see is a shadow cast by all that which we do not see. A wet portraits series by Sara Mautone.

Photography | Spotlight
Moon's milk spills from my unquiet skull and forms a white rainbow. Melanie Gaydos in a photographic series by Paul Kwiatkowski.

Hangover from the past
Photography | Spotlight
In some way my whole childhood memory exists in these images, of semi-staged moments where Marilène, my mother, was the photographer who handled the scenery and the lighting and where I had all freedom to be any character I wanted to be. An analog series by memymom.

Fashion | Exclusive
If I shall exist eternally, how shall I exist tomorrow? Alicia in an intimate fashion story by Natalie McKain.

The dream house
Fashion | Exclusive
I am a dreamer. I know so little of real life that I just can’t help re-living such moments in my dreams, as these moments are something I have very rarely experienced. An exclusive fashion story as seen by Francesco Ormando.