Tag Archive for: art

Petr Davydtchenko / Untitled (2022)

Art&Culture | Spotlight
Russian born performance artist unveils new radical work in Paris

Petulia Mattioli / The Same and the Other

Art&Culture | Spotlight
A spotlight on Petulia Mattioli’s new exhibit “The Same and the Other” at the Pocko Gallery, London.

No Land’s Man / Kendall Geers

Art&Culture | Spotlight
The Plague is Me: Une vie de détournements, Kendell Geers’ new retrospective at Galerie Eric Mouchet in Paris

Richard Mosse / Broken Spectre

Art&Culture | Spotlight
A spotlight on Richard Mosse’s installation at 180.studios in London working alongside composer Ben Frost and cinematographer Trevor Tweeten.

Pyotr Pavlensky / Geburt einer Kunst

Art&Culture | Spotlight
Pyotr Pavlensky’s "Pornopolitics and Other Precedents" at a/political, London, UK

Milano Futura

Fashion | Exclusive
Photography, art and fashion melting in the same place, in the city of design. A series shot by Arnaud Ele, styled by Greta Gerardi, featuring illustrations by Elenia Beretta.

Marianna Simnett / Unknown bodies

Art&Culture | Interview
Berlin-based multi-disciplinary artist Marianna Simnett in conversation with Antoine Schafroth.

Louisa Clement / Artificial appearances

Art&Culture | Interview
German artist Louisa Clement talking technology, her sex dolls, AI avatars and more in conversation with Antoine Schafroth.

Kembra Pfahler / Sound Off

Art&Culture | Spotlight
A spotlight on the third Kembra Pfahler solo show at London’s Emalin Gallery by Maria Abramenko. On view: 09 July - 03 September 2022.

Democracia / Order

Art&Culture | Interview
In conversation with Madrid-based open-end collective Democracia.

David Lynch through Austrian landscapes: Wolfgang Dieter Bauer

Art&Culture | Spotlight
David Lynch through Austrian landscapes: Wolfgang Dieter Bauer's solo show at 508 Gallery, London on show until July 30, 2022.

Picnic Affair / Summer Edition

Art&Culture | Spotlight
Spotlight on Picnic Affair Summer Edition with an exhibition curated by Maria Abramenko showcasing the work of Emiliano Maggi, Edoardo Dionea Cicconi, Agnes? and Lilli Moors.