Tag Archive for: contemporary arts

Notes to youth and riots

Art&Culture | Words
Punk In Britain: Simon Barker (Six) // Karen Knorr And Olivier Richon // Dennis Morris // Jamie Reid // Sheila Rock // Ray Stevenson // John Tiberi on show in Milan until the 28th of August, 2016 at Galleria Carla Sozzani. Words by Anca Macavei, photo by Bianca Sara Scanderebech.

Helmut Lang’s abstract mythologies

Art&Culture | Words
Scratching the surface and striking your soul, Helmut Lang's first institutional solo exhibition in the US on view at Dallas Contemporary until 21 August, 2016. Words by Anca Macavei.


Art&Culture | Spotlight
In the company of the Duskmann Group, we delve into the movement's philosophy and the artistic background which led to the creation of the installation “Prelude”.

Anselm Kiefer / The Seven Heavenly Palaces

Art&Culture | Words
Just like the intricate labyrinth described by Borges in The Garden of Forking Paths, "in which all men would lose their way", in Kiefer's art there is always a narrative trap intentionally left, that could lead to a cul-de-sac or could open the path to all the possible meanings. Words by Larisa Oancea.

Daniel Turner / Man is a God in ruins

Art&Culture | Spotlight
The following essay is not an attempt to define my own version of the sublime, but rather apply other writers’ postulations on the subject to the artwork of Daniel Adam Turner. Man is a god in ruins, words by James Michael Schaeffer.

You can’t stop me now

Art&Culture | Spotlight
There are, for approbation, certain known limits which serve as a basis for the construction of reasoning, inspired by common sense. Comparison is a mental operation which permits us to bring things that we desire to understand to a certain point. Artworks by Isabelle Wenzel.