A challenge for perception. Celebrating the fusion of fashion and art through a striking visual commentary on individuality and expression. Captured by photographer Karolina Langolf, directed and styled by Veneranda Lamberti.

Photography: Karolina Langolf / @kkarolina.la
Creative Direction & Styling: Veneranda Lamberti / @v_enerandalamberti
Make up: Francesca Foti, Tania Rosa, Raffaele Siotto / @francesacafoti @rosatanyaa @raffaelesiotto
Hair: Anna Verzeroli / @annaverzeroli_mua
Styling Assistants: Vera Cropelli, Martina Lissi / @veracropelli @marti_lissi
Models: Iris Natale, Oran Cusak & Heaven Grace at Boom Models, Livia & Emanuel Quoos at Tank Agency, Ginevra Garavani at Monster Mgmt, Samuele Roberti, Secondino Laquintana at Brave Models / @irisnatale @orancusack @haven___grace @liv.lenoir @emanuelquoos @ginevra_garavani @imadirtybwoy @bulgarow_