Circolo Magnolia, an ARCI non-profit social promotion association, has been a beacon for music enthusiasts since its inception in 2005. Nestled within the lush Idroscalo park, this venue has consistently hosted electrifying concerts and parties featuring both national and international luminaries. In a world that often takes itself too seriously, the Milanese collective Take It Easy emerged with a mission to inject a dose of levity into clubbing, without compromising on quality. Since 2009, they have been reshaping the nightlife experience.
Take It Easy’s mission is twofold: to elevate culture by showcasing top-tier international talent alongside deserving local artists, and to educate, drawing inspiration from the vibrant nightlife scenes of other European cities. The impressive roster of DJs who have graced their decks includes Moodymann, Jeff Mills, Ben UFO, Tama Sumo, Levon Vincent, DJ Boring, Christian Löffler, Tony Humphries, Paranoid London, Kerri Chandler, Radio Slave, and many more.
The night began with Fabio Alampi, aka DJLMP, the founder and resident DJ of Take It Easy, who kicked off the festivities from 10 PM to 12:45 AM. His set, steeped in 90s German influences, transitioned seamlessly from brisk, hypnotic tones to the deep, resonant sounds of 80s Detroit.
From 12:45 AM to 2:45 AM, it was finally time for Ben Klock to take the stage and remind the Magnolia audience of what they had been missing for six long years. Those who witnessed his performance were treated to a masterclass in diversity and depth, with Klock’s ability to craft an immersive experience rather than just play tracks. His set was intense and powerful, reflecting a fervor that captured an artistry and emotion often absent from the techno genre.

Ben Klock / Take It Easy, Milan
DJ: Ben Klock / @ben_klock
Giorgia Amato / @giama_
Fabio Alampi aka DJLMP / @djlmpmusic
Richey V / @richey_v
Collective: Take It Easy / @takeiteasymilano
Venue: Circolo Magnolia / @circolomagnolia
Words: Gianmaria Garofalo / @gianmaria.garofalo
Editor: Anca Macavei / @ancamacavei