Ascendant Vierge blends high-energy trance with poetic, melancholic themes. How do you balance ecstasy and introspection in your music?
P: We don’t work a lot on that aspect as it’s already part of our DNA and in the nature of the music we manipulate.
You both live in Paris, a city known for its mix of beauty, melancholy, and noise. What makes it such a good place for creativity?
P: I’m parisian and even if Mathilde comes a lot she’s not! I could speak hours about my city. There are so many layers of Paris compacted in one small piece of land. Winter in Paris is my top period to create <3
M: Paris is exhausting this is why I live in Brussels, but need to go almost there every 10 days for a new shot.
Your music taps into a kind of nostalgia for early 2000s electronic sounds, yet feels futuristic. What role does nostalgia play in your creative process?
Doing your art can be challenging with time. Everyone need to rely on memories, feelings, a period of time where you cared less etc. I’m trying to stay a teenager with my music so nostalgia takes a big place in the creative process.
Mathilde, your voice has an ethereal quality that complements the intense production. What’s your approach to writing lyrics and performing in such an energetic soundscape?
M: Waking up in the morning with a cup of guarana ‘fake coffee,’ turning on the mic, and screaming nonsense over Paul’s productions. Then uploading it to SoundCloud, listening to it on repeat all day, and trying to find some human words to fit. At night, I finish writing alone in the dark, the computer screen illuminating my exhausted mind. The next morning, I record it and send it to Paul by email. That’s what the process of giving birth to songs looks like for me.
Lyric goth-pop singer. Hyperpop. Hypercore. Hyperground. Cyberpunk. Post hardcore and Postpop. Technopop. So many definitions around you. Your world, your life, seems an immersive experience into the Fifth Element. Bright colors and darkness, ancient voice and synthetic sounds create something that tastes epic. How did you imagined and designed the stage project? What and who inspired it and what do you want to create for your public?
M: We want to take the listening experience of our albums to the stage, creating the ultimate collective catharsis. It should feel nostalgic, joyful, playful, and dreamlike. We approach it as if we were staging a live performance or an opera, with distinct acts and a true sense of dramaturgy. There are many challenges, but we’re now working with an incredible and dedicated team. We are very excited and proud about the Le Plus Grand Spectacle De La Terre we had at the Zénith de Paris in November.
“Ensemble rassemblés dans cette vaste arène / Se dévoile le plus grand spectacle de la Terre / Un dernier rôle pour un dernier thème / Disparition de tout ce qu’il reste.” You are not just evoking such a strong futuristic imaginary but your lyrics often tell the story of what’s is going wrong and what’s is ruining our futures. The hardstyle rage and the power of pop melodies help in spreading those absurdist messages. With a veil of good dark humor. What values are important for Ascendant Vierge? How would you change present times?
M: The lyrics of Le Plus Grand Spectacle De La Terre are deeply contemporary. This isn’t fiction—it’s real. There’s no humor here, just poetry. And in the face of the world we’re living in, we need poetry more than ever. Will it save us? I’m not so sure. I don’t think we can change anything, except perhaps by creating spaces for catharsis. This era is utterly broken—it’s cruel. It feels like Darth Vader and Lord Voldemort have finally won. It’s a battle between forces of life and forces of death. We’re doing what we can. I was revisiting some of my books recently, and I feel we’re closer to Antonin Artaud’s Theatre of Cruelty than to anything else. In 1933, Artaud wrote: ‘The question now is whether, in Paris, before the cataclysms that are coming, we will be able to find enough means of realization, financial or otherwise, to allow such a theater to live—and it will hold, in any case, because it is the future. Or whether some real blood will be needed, right away, to manifest this cruelty.’ His words resonate profoundly with the times we’re navigating.
Your visuals feel almost cinematic, adding depth to your music. How do visuals contribute to translating your music for fans?
Visuals are an integral part of our music, and we are deeply involved in their creation. Ascendant Vierge aims to engage all the senses. If it were possible to incorporate scents or physical textures into our music to enhance the experience, we would have done it already.
Let’s get a little unusual: if you could describe Ascendant Vierge as a mythological creature or figure, what would it be?
Amphisbaena? Centaure? A two headed or a weird breed-crossing.