Teto Preto / Terraforma 2022

A spotlight on the protagonists of the Mamba Negra party in Brazil.

The future is just as uncertain as it was a year ago. If there is any silver lining to all this, it is the young generation of artists who had the time, the creative ground, and inspirational excuses to focus on and plan their next move. A playlist and a talk with BABYNYMPH, a Russian producer and DJ based in Athens, Greece who reminded us once more  that all societies should be identified by sexiness, self-expression, bravery, originality and pride. The need to enhance respect and equality is more topical than ever. June is just another excuse to celebrate the greatness of freedom.
Happy Pride Month! The future is now.

Where are you from, and where are you based at the moment?

I was born in Moscow but raised in Athens, Greece where I spent most of my life till now that I’m touring, which I find the most ideal state for me at the moment since I feel like I don’t wanna be based anywhere, I love moving around a lot and constantly getting fresh inspiration.

When did you start producing?

I feel like I’ve been making music as long as I can remember myself. I grew up in a family where everyone has always been interested in all kinds of music and arts, fashion. I’ve always been influenced a lot by my family but also online, since as a Gen Z I practically grew up on the internet. I always wanted to be doing exactly what I’m doing now. Especially after meeting Sophie in 2018, who has officially put fire under my ass to put my music out there, I just dropped out of high school and decided that I’m gonna be a pop star. Life in Athens as a teenager has been very hectic, so somehow I never really doubted my decisions, cause I always felt like I’m either just gonna fully go for it, or otherwise there’s just no point in existence.

What are five things we should know about you?

Hmmm… the most important one is that I’m great fun. I’m very sexy and cute, cheeky but also actually much nicer in real life than I might appear online. It’s all a big game anyway.

Which is your personal relationship with fashion?

Fashion is very important for me, I like to connect my music to fashion a lot, I’m a very visual person so I like to trigger both audio and visual sensory organs.

Have you ever been discriminated against for your sexual orientation or gender identity?

Obviously I have, especially being born in Russia and growing up in Athens. Both places are far from queer friendly or whatsoever. But I never really felt different in a negative sense, for me, it was the opposite, as I’ve been observing people and thinking that they are really lacking taste and existential references. Just lacking in general. That has made me wanna find a community of people that “gets it” and surround myself with people I could connect with. And that’s how I became a part of the party scene in the age of 15. In Athens no one really cares about your age to enter a club, so it was never a problem.

How important is the club culture for you and why?

I feel like club culture is important because clubs are spaces where u can get really messy and hot and no one (most likely) is gonna ruin that for you. Clubs are spaces where fashion, art and music are being born, along with identities and strong connections.|

Do you get bored easily?

I do! That’s why I mentioned that I love touring before. I constantly need to be recharged.

How was your experience with Boiler Room in Athens?

It was a very wholesome moment setting up this event with my friends and celebrating ourselves, especially with a camera around cause we all love attention. Was fun to troll a bunch of boomers with the “mixing skills”. Also I love my friends, we all had a great time. Regarding the local crowd besides the magical creatures of our kingdom tho, plus the comment section online, as my friend said, they be lacking pussy juice. It was not for them anyway, it’s just us for us and whoever else out there is interested in FUN.

Listen to Soundscapes vol.102, a playlist curated by BabyNymph

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