Living in cold, chaotic cities, we build hard outer shells to shield our vulnerable insides. Can we shake off the emptiness that clings to us while navigating urban life? A story shot by Fumiya Itomi, with creative direction by Seiichiro Ito and Rinna Schimizu.
Wire Edge
Creative Direction: Seiichiro Ito and Rinna Shimizu / @_seisei_, @rinnershigh
Photography: Fumiya Hitomi / @fumiyahitomi
Hair and Makeup: Tomoki Negoro / @nego_makeup
Music: Yugo Moriya / @yugomoriya
Location: River in Kanagawa, Japan
Models: Jan Urila Sas, Chiyo, Lim, Masamune, Kanta Kuroki / @janurilasas, @chiyo4092, @booomb8841, @masarnune, @kuroki_in