Exposures: Cults & Sects

Weekly selection of must-watch movies with a common thread.

The worshipers paid homage to the god by kissing his reverse face – a mask worn, beneath an animal’s tail, on the devil’s backside.
The word “cult” or “sect” has at times represented a pejorative label. Often portrayed as a system of devotion directed towards a leader through the practice of obscure ceremonies, the major concern is what potential it might represent to do harm. As horrific as it can get, even so it can appear intriguing the way human minds can be manipulated, letting us wonder how something that destructive can become an object of worship. / Curated by @isabelevangelisti.

The wicker man, Rosemary’s baby, Suspiria, Get out, The devil rides out.

Exposures: Cults & Sects

The wicker man, Rosemary’s baby, Suspiria, Get out, The devil rides out.

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