Ethereal Wraiths

Photographed by Marco Giuliano.

Ephemeral glimpses brushed against the edges of reality, lingering briefly before dissipating into the void. The echoes of footsteps were swallowed by the darkness, leaving only the whispers of the vanishing in their wake. A dusky story photographed by Marco Giuliano and styled by Anca Macavei showcasing purist and unisex leather goods by Werkschwarz.

Ethereal Wraiths


Photography: Marco Giuliano / @marcogiulianoph
Styling: Anca Macavei / @ancamacavei
Art Direction Assist.: Jyothsana Selvam / @jyothsanaaa
Models: Helen at No Logo / @hellenbmattos @nologowomen
Aldo at Let It Go / @aldofilardo @letitgomgmt
Simon Justus at No Logo / @snioms @nologomen

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