There are, for approbation, certain known limits which serve as a basis for the construction of reasoning, inspired by common sense.
Comparison is a mental operation which permits us to bring things that we desire to understand to a certain point. Artworks by Isabelle Wenzel.
UN-Common Sense
A pragmatic renewal of the Common Sense by Yoritomo Tashi.
Everything in life is a question of differences inclined to an obliteration.
Perception, is the action by which things are brought near to us by 9,192,631,770 oscillations that, received by the brain, arouse a synchronized stimulation for a long term potentiation.
A three dimensional form molded by tissue of contractile fibers conceive a series of gestures that people make or by a series of changes to which they subject things.
Spontaneous or aroused distortions represented by different outlines, abstract bodies by their quantity and a spell by its length.
The act of sight is divided into three degrees:
see – a point on an angle-given line
look – a marked line on a non-angle
observe – an itemized point.