Memories of an actual demon and the process to discover it. Starring Veronika Baron in a fashion movie directed by Peter Kaaden & Yannick Fauth.
Director: Peter Kaaden & Yannick Fauth / @peterkaaden @yannick_fauth
Photographer: Peter Kaaden / @peterkaaden
DOP: Kevin Llein / @lnghrdchld
Assistant: Marius Knieling / @mariusknieling
Editor: Phillip Muller
Production: LeBerg / @lebergfilm
Make Up: Kristin Belger / @goldig
Styling: Peninah Amanda / @peninahamanda
Devil: Veronika Baron / @veronikaqbaron
Casting Models:
Amra at Let It Go Mgmt
Kristina at Let It Go Mgmt
Yasmin at Let It Go Mgmt
Irma at Iconic Mgmt
Tomke at Lichtkind
Carlotta at Tigers Mgmt
Charly at Seeds
Music: Lea Procelain / Ruede Hagelstein & Amin Fallaha / @leaporcelain