Lost Portraits

Photographed by Federica Loria.

In frames of age, a spectral grace unfolds, a lady’s visage, secrets centuries hold. An eerie portrait series of a femme fatale by Federica Loria and Jyothsana Selvam.

Lost Portraits


Photography & Art Direction: Federica Loria / @loriarsh
Creative Direction & Styling: Jyothsana Selvam / @jyothsanaaa
Makeup: Selenia Iacopinelli, Giorgia Massaro / @selenia_mua @giorgiamassaro_mua
Hair: Giorgia Massaro / @giorgiamassaro_mua
Assist: Anna Sørensen / @annasoeren
Model: Sabina Salajkova at The wolves model mgmt / @sabinasalajkova @thewolvesmodel

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