Activist language

In conversation with artist Richie Culver.

What is your background and the most important messages you want to deliver with your practice?

I am coming from the North of England. Hull to be exact.
Regarding a message..
It’s a constant conversation of reduction and sometimes of language and gesture. Empty spaces within the canvas becoming as active as the text.
Art is easy / life is hard…
And the contradiction within that sentence as a visual artist in 2022. 

Could you tell us more about your performances?

Performances are usually spoken word / noise / industrial / experimental. I see my musical output as an extension of my visual practice. 

Interesting to know if you associate your art to street art at all?

My paintings are informed by London squats and the lifestyle and language found within that particular way of living. Focusing mainly on early 2000s and my time living in and out of that community. 

You often use language in an ironic way, this language does often seem punk culture related, is that so? 

Not sure if punk is the word I would use.
I see it more as minimalism.
Finding various ways to cut the the critical point of painting and finding justification within the autobiographical elements in which I work.
Performative elements become active within the destruction of many paintings. 

Do social media and technology influence your research?


What are you working on for the next future?

Currently finishing my MA at the Royal Collage of Art.
Solo presentation with Nuno Centeno in January.
Remix album and second album also in 2023.

Richie Culver / Activist language


Artist: Richie Culver /@richieculver
Editor: Maria Abramenko / @mariabramenko
Interview: Camilla Di Pasquale / @micalliroe

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