
Photographed by Justine Valençon.

In the words of the author: Through this series "Fe(male)", I wanted to emphasize sentimentality, that annoyingly feminine trait that we learn to despise and censor out of fear of embracing vulnerability, weaknesses, and doubts. We have this idea that women are supposed to be like goddesses or fairies, guaranteed without guts or entrails. Sentimental and dependent creatures, with tyrannical demands, who overinvest in the realm of love in the face of uncouth, mute oafs barricaded in the illusion of a fierce autonomy. But the fragile woman waiting for strength and protection from the male is a stereotype fabricated by men from another era.



Photography & creative direction: Justine Valençon / @justinevalencon
Photography account: Via Carbonara / @via.carbonara

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