In the heart of Djerba, Tunisia, a fashion unfolds, harmonizing ancestral elegance with wild landscapes. A tale spun in Dar Bibine, where tradition dances with modernity, echoing through azure skies and earthy tones, as sophistication waltzes with nature in a dualistic romance. A narrative by Thomas Kuhn and Cyrine Dufaux.
New Heritage – Tales of Djerba
Photography & co-director: Thomas Kuhn / @thomaskuhn
Art Director & stylist: Cyrine Dufaux / @cyrine_dfx
Mua & hair: Rii Madanii / @rii_madanii
Production: Andrea Philippi / @discover_tunisia
Location: Dar Bibine / @darbibine
Model: Mélanie at Mirrrs models / @melnie_s @mirrsmodels