Bright colors, divided in thousands of different shades, rage through the cosmos like an outer space hurricane. Photographed by Leonardo Diaz, art direction by Jessica Trosman and Martin Churba.
Photography: Leonardo Diaz /
Art Direction and Textile Art: Jessica Trosman and Martin Churba / @jessicatrosman @martinchurba @jessicatrosmanymartinchurba
Body Art: Jazmin Calcarami / @jazmincalcarami
Body Art Assistants: Martina Pucheta and Agustina Quiroga / @martupuchet4 @agustinaquiroga__
Ph Assistant: Dani Kala / @kaladani
Models: Selene Irrazabal and Clara / @yapolene @claire.fatale
Special thanks: Julieta Lopez Acosta and Octavio Ferrero / @thisisjla @octavioferrero