The ghosts in our eyes

A photographic series by Rebecca Cairns.

Eye wake up in a construct. Eye lay on my bed and sweat. Eye replay final moments. Eye try to picture her face. Eye program a future version of myself to remember it, slick with seawater, ringed with wet hair.


in the ocean with her. Eye probably won’t see her

for years. Eye watch the rain through a window. Eye

construct little machines to pass the time. They keep me

awake at night. They float on the currents that move

to the edge. That’s what they’re for. Eye send them

away. Eye never said what Eye meant to say. Eye

can never revisit a moment. Eye can’t shut down the

recording device. Eye touch a face made of glass. The

nothing that builds itself while Eye sleep. Eye smash the

construct to remember its ghost. Eye never reach the edge

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